
My Home is Everything

(English subtitles)

Don’t Expel Palestinian Susya

A film by Rabbis for Human Rights

For English subtitles, go to the “cc” button on the bottom right side of the video window and choose “on.” If you can’t see the cc option click on the youtube icon which will direct you directly to the youtube movie.

Hayat means life (2010)


Return to Old Susya

Nasser Nawajha takes his six-year old son Laith back to Nasser’s native village of Susya, in the South Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank. Nasser’s family, along with all the other families of Susya, were expelled from their village in 1986, when Israel turned it into an archaeological park. The villagers are, yet again, facing imminent expulsion from their homes and caves.



ActiveStills and the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions movie about the house demolitions and displacement of Palestinians in Palestine and Israel. The movie is about the meaning of home.


House demolitions Susya 24.11.11



A 60-year-old Palestinian and his son arrive at an archeological site of an ancient Jewish settlement and buy tickets to enter. This is their only way to return to their abandoned home village, which they have not visited for 25 years.


Disconnected: Video blog from Palestinian village of Susya #1

Disconnected: Video blog from Palestinian village of Susya #2


Susya – a glance from within

The village Susya is threatened by repeated attempts of demolition,”Thus shall it be done to the people whom the state does not delighteth to honour” , (but is delighted to get a hold on their land).


One Year Celebration of the Creative and Learning Center

Over 500 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals celebrated the one year anniversary of the Susiya Creative and Learning Center in the South Hebron Hills on Saturday, 28 May with a cultural tribute to the nonviolent resistance of the Palestinian people.


Settler thugs violent attack on camera


The Human Turbine

“Human turbine” is the story of an exciting encounter between Jewish academics Palestinian shepherds Susiya population – refugees deported three times already. Noam Dotan, child prodigy – a genius physicist and high tech; Uri Pinkerfeld, the Land of Israel and former senior government job; Ehud, Dr. history and Bible; Ariela, taking care of her profession – all adults, supervised illusions, political ideology great hope.

Every one of these individuals chose to give up the pleasures of life, a senior academic status, rank and promotion management positions. by joining forces chose to channel the knowledge, ingenuity and dreams, and harness the wind and the sun for renewable energy project in Susya, a project that aims to supply electricity to the residents who live without electricity in tents and caves. one after another It’s coming on The lights in tents, lighting and other life options bring the greatest light – milking Institute Susiya open to residents of new livelihoods, and economic independence.


Full Movie (hebrew subtitles),7340,L-8954-44338,00.html


Palestinian father and son Muhammad and Nasser Nawaj’ah visit the archaeological remains of a Roman-era Jewish village. A quarter of a century ago, before the ruin was discovered, Muhammad and Nasser were two of the few hundred Palestinians that lived in the ancient homes. Their memories of their lives here are not shared by the Israeli settler who operates the present site. Muhammad and Nassar are required to buy tickets in order to view their former home, and the son’s specific recollection of an incident involving himself and the settler is dismissed with scorn by the latter. It takes no more than a short visit to this place to make it all too clear how painful the relationship is between past and present in Israel. “This was our home,” says Muhammad as he walks from room to room, “This is our home.” The already distressing situation becomes even more uncomfortable when Israeli soldiers arrive, creating a parallel with another painful past. The Israeli directors Dani Rosenberg and Yoav Gross are very much present in the film, and don’t shy away from their subject – with their camera, they are actually full-fledged characters in the narrative. It is from this position that they record people from completely different worlds unwillingly crossing paths.

Renewable Energy Project in Susya, South Hebron Mountains


 Kites over Susya

Comet organized a kite flying day for the children of Susya and of the activists working in the region, Israeli and Palestinian. Much fun was had by all.